Costing & Revenue

Power Performance Manager (PPM) is a web-based system that calculates service delivery costs and funding revenue based on clinical and fnancial data consolidated from other healthcare systems, to support business decisions.


Calculates the cost of hospital service delivery to measure business performance and identify areas requiring cost savings or improvements.


Calculates public and private revenue streams using sophisticated business rules to reect complex terms and conditions, such as government casemix or
activity based funding, block-funded government grants, and private health insurance contracts.


Monitors hospital performance through regularly generated reports that are distributed through e-mail. Custom reporting allows in-depth analysis of your data using simple yet powerful query tools.

Reporting Framework

Standardises State and National Health Authority statutory reporting across all participating hospitals, by setting up a customised reporting framework to
process all hospital data through the same validating, mapping or processing steps into submission-ready fles.

PowerBilling & Revenue Collection (PBRC) is an international healthcare billing application that tackles the complexities of the healthcare industry. It is a highly-automated system that integrates easily with patient management or clinical systems to source the data required to generate invoices using local billing rules.

Integration – Billing – Accounts Receivable – Electronic Claims – General Ledger – Reporting